It's cold outside!
You can't change the weather, but you can change how you respond
I hate feeling cold
I'm writing this on a miserable December morning, with sleet swirling outside my window
My urge to curl up into a little ball and retreat is strong, but clearly impractical. That's why I love this photo of the girl defying the weather!
Everyone else is pulled down, closed in, isolated in their chilliness. But the girl with the colourful blanket (I am sure she is wearing sensible thermals as well) is engaged with the world around her. She is calm, alert, and waiting for the train.
Why does this girl stand out?
Unlike her fellow travellers, she's aware of what's happening around her. If I had a question, I'd go to her, not simply because the colours mark her out, but because she appears receptive. She looks as though she would engage with another person.
We can't change what comes towards us, but we CAN change our response to it. And other people will (perhaps subconsciously) notice these qualities within you.
Alexander Technique lessons teach you to be calm, alert, and ready to meet the challenges of your day
If calm and alert sounds good to you, contact Kate.